111(1) (Notice to explain Income / asset)
Please refer to above.
As per definite information available within this office you have made investment of Rs. 6,164,737/ for
the purchase of immoveable property in tax year 2022 in shape of following entry;
01. T2021050xxxx11112683 08-May-2021 902xx09 SUB REGISTRAR, DEPLAPUR A24xx69
01. 3530xxx948289 HAMMAD AHMAD Alternate Delivery Channel WITHHOLDING
TAX PAYMENT 236K Purchase / Transfer of Immovable Property u/s 236K 61,037 6,103,700
TAX PAYMENT 236K Purchase / Transfer of Immovable Property u/s 236K 61,037 6,103,700
Examination of your income tax return filed along with the wealth statement reveals that the
same has not been declare in your wealth statement which attracts the proceedings u/s 111(1)(b) of the
income tax Ordinance 2001 . You are hereby being provided an opportunity that why the amount at Rs.
6,164,737/may not be treated as concealed income and added back to your taxable income/
FBR is looking forward for tax compliance culture in Pakistan.
you may receive this in e-mail
When Do You Receive a Section 111(1) Notice from FBR?