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Company Formation in USA – LLC / Inc. (C Corp)

Unleash Your Global Potential

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg

At, we believe in empowering Pakistani entrepreneurs to take bold steps towards international expansion. Our specialized U.S. company formation services are designed to guide you through the legal and financial complexities of establishing a thriving presence in the American market.

Why Partner with Us?

  • Local Expertise, Global Reach: Our team of seasoned professionals understands the Pakistani business landscape and possesses in-depth knowledge of U.S. corporate laws and regulations.
  • Tailored Solutions: We create personalized strategies for company formation, tax planning, and compliance, catering to your unique business goals and needs.
  • Streamlined Process: We handle the entire process, from document preparation and filing to obtaining your EIN (Employer Identification Number).
  • Ongoing Support: Our commitment doesn’t end with company formation. We offer ongoing assistance with tax compliance, accounting, and legal matters.

Benefits of Forming a U.S. Company for Pakistani Businesses:

  • “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

  • Global Recognition & Credibility: Elevate your brand image and open doors to international opportunities.

  • Access to U.S. Markets: Tap into the world’s largest economy and a diverse consumer base.

  • Financial Incentives: Potentially benefit from U.S. tax treaties, incentives, and access to capital.

  • Asset Protection: Safeguard your personal assets in Pakistan from U.S. business liabilities.

Liabilities & Considerations:

  • “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” – Warren Buffett

  • Tax Compliance: Understand and adhere to U.S. federal, state, and local tax regulations.

  • Legal Compliance: Comply with corporate laws and regulations specific to your chosen U.S. business structure.

  • Cultural Adaptation: Familiarize yourself with American business practices and cultural nuances.

Required Documents (General):

  • LLC: Articles of Organization, Operating Agreement
  • C Corp: Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Stock Certificates

Additional Documents (for Pakistani Entrepreneurs):

  • Passport Copies (owners and directors)
  • Proof of Address (Pakistan and U.S., if applicable)
  • Business Plan

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

Let us help you realize your entrepreneurial dreams in the U.S. Contact today for a free consultation!


Absolutely! Foreign nationals can own and operate U.S. companies.

The best state depends on your business type and goals. We’ll help you choose the most suitable option.

Costs vary depending on the business structure and state. We offer transparent pricing tailored to your needs.

No, you don’t need a visa to form a company, but you may need one to manage it in the U.S.

We provide assistance with opening U.S. bank accounts for foreign-owned businesses.

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