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Sale Tax Rates

Understanding Property Purchase and Sale Tax Rates for 2024 in Pakistan

Understanding Property Purchase and Sale Tax Rates for 2024 in Pakistan As property transactions in Pakistan evolve, it is crucial for buyers and sellers to understand the applicable tax categories and rates. Two significant tax categories that impact property transactions are 236-C (Gains Tax) and 236-K (Advance Tax). The new tax rates for these categories will take effect…

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Transforming Trade: Why PSW is the Superior Choice Over WeBOC for Traders in Pakistan-2024

The transition from WeBOC (Web-Based One Customs) to PSW (Pakistan Single Window) represents a significant evolution in the trade facilitation landscape of Pakistan. This shift is not merely a change in technology; it marks a transformative step aimed at enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of trade operations within the country. Here’s why PSW is the…

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Section 7E Tax

Seizing Opportunities: Mastering Section 7E Tax for Property Owners in Pakistan

In the ever-evolving landscape of Pakistan's tax system, Section 7E Tax has emerged as a significant development for property owners. Introduced through the Finance Act of 2022, this provision has far-reaching implications for residents who own immovable property in the country. At Tax Consultants Islamabad, we are committed to keeping our clients informed about…

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